How You Can Help Support (US Residents)

The Samjivani Foundation invites you to join hands with us in providing medical relief to the under served in India through initiatives similiar Dr. K S Charak’s free medical camps. There are several ways you may choose to support such causes.

The Samjivani Foundation graciously accepts monetary donations of any amount. You may make a donation through PayPal, see right hand bar “Help Support: Donate“, or send a check. Additionally, Samjivani serves as a liason between free medical programs in India and interested volunteers from the U.S.


Monetary donations may be made in the form of a personal or corporate check and made out to the Samjivani Foundation or to Medical Relief for India. Please include a cover letter with your check. Click here for a sample cover letter. The mailing address is:

Samjivani Foundation
Medical Relief for India
c/o/ Susan Pfau
3394 Rainbow Dr.
Waxhaw, NC 28173
The Samjivani Foundation is a non-profit organization
exempt from tax under section 501 (C) (3)
of the internal revenue code of the U.S. A.
Contributions are tax-deductible

Many free medical programs in India welcome doctors, nurses, paramedical personnel, operation room technicians and volunteers to join their efforts. Each year volunteers from all over the world – US, France, Germany – donate their time and medical skills to support the such programs. Those who would like to volunteer in such endeavors in person, please contact  Medical Relief for India. A brief description of your background (e.g. doctor, nurse, general volunteer, etc.) would be most appreciated.

equipmentLastly, medical supplies and equipment are also much needed. If you or your organization are in a position to contribute medical supplies or equipment, please contact  Medical Relief for India.

We are most appreciative of your help and support.