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Medical Relief for India is a non-profit organization dedicated to programs which provide free medical care to the poor and needy in India. These programs are supported by the SOS Memorial Trust (SOSMT), a charitable foundation established by Mr. Sudhir Mehta and Dr. K.S. Charak. Through their leadership, the SOSMT provides free surgical and medical treatment at week-long camps in select rural areas. Bhagdevar, Vindhyachal and Bani are a few areas where medical camps have been held due to the unbridled poverty and severe lack of medical care in these regions.

How You Can Make a Difference

Make a Donation

Help save lives

Make a one-time donation or give monthly. By supporting Medical Relief for India you help increase the quality of life for those unable to afford medical treatment.


Opportunity to Serve

Join us and take action

We are a liaison between medical camps in India and interested volunteers in the U.S. We welcome volunteers from all walks of life to join Dr. Charak and his team in their effort to provide medical relief to the underserved in India.